Friday, January 14, 2011

Two times in one week!?

See....? I'm already doing better! lol. So, I went to the gastroenterologist yesterday and he wants me to have the scope thing done next Thursday. The bad thing is......#1- I have to have a scope put down my throat. lol. And #2- We have a $500 deductible, so I have to pay all that out of pocket. Ugh! Ben tells me I'm getting it, we'll see! lol.

Took Abby and Aiden to the doctor on Wednesday. Abby had an ear infection, so she got antibiotics and Aiden has the baby equivalent to a sinus infection, so he got some too! Man, he's a big baby! He's almost 17 pounds.....7 months old tomorrow. He's 1 size diaper way from Jack!!! LOL. Of course, Jack is so skinny, but too funny!

Ben's been really depressed and I don't know what to do with him. He's the kind of man that has to be working and doing something....not to mention support his family. He keeps saying that quitting his paper route was a mistake and I told him it wasn't. It was the best thing he's ever done! That route was breaking him down. Things will look up once he has another job. I've loved having him stay in bed all night and get up with me in the mornings....that's been super! Just keep him in your prayers and also that he'll find something soon.

Also keep Ben's nephew in your prayers. He's 1 and he fell off a chair onto his head. He has a severe skull fracture and it's so bad that it could very well lead to paralyzation at best and possibly death. It's so sad....they're waiting to hear back from doctors and tests, etc. He may have to have surgery.

Still trying to get my butt out of bed in the mornings again to exercise. I'm going to try and make myself do that on Monday......start the week off right. Prayers on that would be appreciated as well! lol.

Hope you all have a good weekend!

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